We offer a wide variety of services to fit your needs. Pro Deck Installers is highly rated and has been one of the areas top Deck Builders for 20 years. With a highly successful background in landscape design and installation we are unique in that we can professionally design and install patio’s retaining walls, fences and outdoor features to compliment your new deck.

Low Maintenance Decks
Pro Deck Installers has worked with virtually every composite material used for decking, railing & trim material available over the last 20 years. Newer generations of composites have come a long way over the years and offer a great solution to reduce the costs and hassles of maintenance.

Wood Decks.
We have experience with all types of Natural Decking materials.
Weather you choose a "Beautiful Natural Wood Like Cedar, a "Brazilian Hard Woods like IPE. or a conventional Pressure Treated "Natural Pine", we have covered them all, and can tell you the pros and cons to each.

Front / Back Porches
If you are looking to transform the look of your house we can help with that too. Our crew is highly skilled in detailed carpentry, and have produced some outstanding porches over the years.

Patios & Retaining Walls
Pro Deck Installers has been working with hardscape materials for well over 20 years. With a background in landscaping we have been professionally installing patio's and retaining walls for many years.